Patty Murphy
(916) 772-4717
[email protected]
Altar Servers, or acolytes, are boys and girls between 4th and 12th grades who assist the Priest during the celebration of the Eucharist and other liturgical celebrations. Duties include carrying the processional cross and candles, holding the sacred books for the presider, and assisting with the gifts at the presentation during the Eucharist. All children and youth of the parish who have received their First Holy Communion are encouraged to become altar servers.
If you wish to join this ministry, please contact:
The Art and Environment Ministry is called to serve St. Clare Parish in preparing an environment for worship that will mediate the presence of God. The ministry helps the assembly to celebrate the liturgical seasons of the church. Careful attention to detail ensures that the worship space is always beautiful and appropriately decorated for each liturgy and special celebration. The ministry possesses a knowledge and understanding of the sacraments, rites, liturgical seasons, feasts and the devotional life of the church.
If you wish to join this ministry, please contact:
If you wish to join this ministry, please contact:
Ministers of the Word or Lectors are men and women who have the sacred duty of proclaiming the assigned Scripture readings at Mass. They should have the desire to read the Scripture at the liturgy, be willing to be trained and practice the readings, be able to read clearly in public, and have a commitment to live what the Scriptures proclaim. Lectors read at all the weekend Masses and also at daily Mass, reading the first reading from the Old Testament, the second reading from the New Testament, the Prayer of the Faithful, and important announcements after communion. We encourage youth readers who have received confirmation and are already in High School to join this ministry.
There is always a need for lectors at all Masses. If you are interested, please contact:
We always seek to extend the warmest welcome to the faithful who come to St. Clare Parish; existing parishioners and new visitors. This includes recruiting men and women to become Ushers at all of our Masses. These important people greet our parishioners and visitors, and are the initial face of our parish, welcoming all who gather to pray. It is a wonderful way to share your love for the Lord and our parish family.
If you wish to join this ministry, please contact:
The Saint Clare Music Ministry provides music during weekend Masses, holy days, weddings, funerals and other para-liturgical services. Today, Saint Clare has eight choirs, a host of cantors and instrumentalists musicians. Their repertoire includes music based on the liturgical seasons, in a variety of styles from classical to contemporary. Parishioners are invited to share their musical talents with the rest of the congregation through this ministry.
If you wish to join this ministry, please contact:
This ministry is for adults who are ready to become Catholic, want to know how to become Catholic, or just want to know what being Catholic is all about.
If you wish to join this ministry, please contact:
Sacristans assist, facilitate, and provide support and coordination for other liturgical ministries. In addition, they make the necessary preparations for liturgical activities.
If you wish to join this ministry, please contact:
Ministry for Bilingual Spanish-English Liturgical Celebration to serve St. Clare Parish in nurturing the spiritual growth of the Spanish speaking members of this community in worship, sacrament, and evangelizing activities.
If you wish to join this ministry, please contact: